Establishing Top-Level Requirements
There are several different categories of requirements. Some requirements comply with the specific operational needs of the customer, while others involve general system behavior, performance, and design. The best practice to successfully implementating and integrating new systems is to compile requirements in a ‘Top Down’ fashion. At the top will be the high-level business requirements,…Read More
Masterful Decision-Making: Identifying the Right Alternatives
Proper planning and research are the foundation of alternatives analysis. The first step is to establish the problem and define the decisions that will be made. The client may come to you with an initial problem or a problem with a solution that has already been implemented. Apart from the system itself, stakeholders and decision…Read More
Software Estimation in an Agile World
Developing a defendable software cost estimate has always been a challenging endeavor. An accurate software cost estimate begins with an accurate software size estimate! This can come in many flavors, such as functional size assessment (i.e., function point count based on International Function Point User’s Group [IFPUG] rules), analogy to a previous application, or subject-matter…Read More
We’re Moving!
We are excited to announce that Logapps will be moving our headquarters this Spring! Our new location will be 3110 Fairview Park Drive in Falls Church, Virginia. The new building has a modern interior design, large conference center, brand new fitness center, and a café. The office building is also conveniently located near the Dunn…Read More